The School

The school is located in a poor area of Managua, in a neighbourhood of tiny shacks with about 1,000 families living in poverty. The homes are made mostly of cardboard, tin and plastic. There are few social programs to assist these families; their survival is day to day.
Since Fe Viva committed to support the once-failing school in 2005, a daily feeding and nutrition program was started, a new school property with multiple buildings was purchased in 2013 with approximately 200 students, and hope for a better future is being restored. The larger school facility is a great blessing to the community and is a safe place for children to learn and grow. We are excited for the changes this is bringing to the community.
In February 2018 Fe Viva handed over the school to Pastor Armando Mendieta and his wife to run and operate. They have been faithful to oversee the school for the past two years, growing the number of students to 250, planting fruit trees on school property that the students help maintain, painting and maintaining classrooms and sending regular reports of school business. For this reason Fe Viva chose to release this school ministry into the hands of faithful Nicaraguans who have like vision for the children and the community. Where foreign missionaries have restricted movement in the country, locals are able to accomplish so much more. Please continue to pray for the Mendietas and their vision for the community.