The Call
Fe Viva began with a vision to see pastors and leaders of Guatemala adequately equipped to serve their churches, communities, and ultimately, their nation. By the grace of God, Fe Viva Bible College has been able to teach and train hundreds of pastors and leaders to walk out the call of God in their lives – impacting their nation in great ways for the glory of God!
Since then, Fe Viva’s purpose has grown to encompass many different areas of ministry both in Guatemala and throughout the world! Our initiatives and goals have grown as the Lord has placed new assignments before us. We expand at His pace and align ourselves to His vision for Fe Viva.

Nelson & Melissa Mejia
Base Directors, Pastors of TDI Church, Stoves for Life Outreach
As base directors and pastors of the local church, Nelson and Melissa are steadfast and diligent servants of God in Guatemala. Serving full-time on the Fe Viva base, they faithfully bring encouragement, teaching, help, and hope to the families in surrounding areas as well as to communities throughout Guatemala. They work hand-in-hand with the short term missions teams throughout the year as leaders, translators, and guides; beautifully bridging the mission teams with the Guatemalan communities. Courageously, they weather every storm, staying dedicated to the call of God. They remain united and loyal through all the same hardships that the local communities face. Often the first on the ground to provide disaster relief, they are committed to improving the lives of the Guatemalan people. Through installing clean burning stoves, practical aid, and the hope of the gospel message, the Mejia’s are integral to the continued function of Fe Viva.

Cesia Betzabe Hernandez Gomez
FeViva Education Centre Director
Cesia became the principal of Fe Viva College in January 2017. Since that time, the Education Centre has grown to become a beacon of hope for students in the surrounding area. Her vision of quality education for Guatemala’s youth is unsurpassed. This vision has led her through the work of becoming a fully qualified and professional leader in education. Her drive and growth mindset has caused the Education Centre to grow into a successful and quality institution. Because of Cesia’s ability to cast vision and her contagious faith for a high standard of education in Guatemala, others have joined her in the work towards continuous improvements for the students of the region.
Dinora Villate
Legal Rep and Administrator
Dinora is Fe Viva’s Administrator and Legal Representative. She expertly handles all legal and governmental requirements as well as all the administrative needs for the various areas of Fe Viva ministries. She is tireless in her efforts to maintain high ethical standards in every area of ministry. Dinora cheerfully and professionally ensures that Fe Viva functions smoothly and with good standing in all areas of involvement throughout the country.
Kim & Lynn Weiler
President & Founders of Fe Viva World Missions
In 1995 we left Canada with our three children to pioneer a work in Guatemala. Since then the work has grown to include many distinct ministries directed by a wonderful team of missionaries and Guatemalan staff. As we follow God’s direction, He continues to increase our vision and provide the means to accomplish His work. We are excited to see what God calls us to in the future!
Video Interviews:

Teresa Asturias
International School of Destiny Director
Teresa has been a beautiful addition to Fe Viva for more than 12 years. In addition to overseeing all Bible College programs on both campuses, Teresa is the liaison personally facilitating and coordinating communications between FeViva and partnering churches and ministries in Guatemala. Teresa is responsible for organizing all seminars, events, and local crusades in the region. Her dedication and hard work are a blessing to FeViva, the students, and the communities that are touched because of her efforts and expertise.

Sonia Pablo
TDI Children’s Pastor; Interpreter; Outreach Ministries
Sonia Pablo is a bright, shining light at FeViva. A graduate of our Bible College, she has worked faithfully for FeViva since 2016. She is integral to all of our community evangalistic events and is often the face seen by members of the community when they are most in need of help. She has a special gift for bringing joy and encouragement to people in times of sadness and distress. Her heart is to bring Christ’s love to the children of Guatemala and she carries out her duties beautifully in this area; expertly planning and organizing all children’s ministry events for FeViva. We are blessed to have her as part of the FeViva family!
Canadian Board Members:
Kim Weiler, Founder of Fe Viva
Lynn Weiler, Founder of Fe Viva
Marc Brisebois, Pastor of Spruce Grove Community Church and Founder of Watchman on the Wall Ministries
Francis Armstrong, Pastor and Founder of Third Day Ministries of Canada
Maurice Palmier, Pastor and Founder of People of Praise Ministries
Philip Weiler, Owner and Founder of Northend Transport
Terry Severson, Pastor of Christ The Healer Ministries
United States Board Members:
Kim Weiler, Founder of Fe Viva
Jack Haynes, Owner and Founder of Next Level Fitness, Nashville, TN; Co-Owner and Co-Founder of H & L Food Concepts (Pita Pit Franchisee)
Jeff Lynch, Owner and Founder of Summit Financial Group, Nashville, TN; Co-Owner and Co-Founder of H & L Food Concepts (Pita Pit Franchisee)
David Turner, Owner and Founder of Buy Floors Direct, Nashville, TN
Statement of Faith
In one true and living God externally existing and revealed to us as the Father, creator of all living things: the Son, Jesus Christ, God incarnate; and the Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, death for our sins, bodily resurrection, ascension under God, and imminent return in power and glory.
The Holy Scriptures are the inspired and complete revelation of God’s will concerning man’s salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That men are saved solely through faith in God’s grace as displayed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In water baptism as a public declaration that a believer has died with Christ and risen with Him to walk a life of holiness and love.
In the unity of all true believers as members of the universal body of Christ regardless of denominational affiliation.
In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Jesus.
In the ministry of the Holy Spirit: By the inward witness of salvation to the believer. By daily guidance and growth of Christ-like character. By the baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience distinct from and following the new birth, evidenced initially by speaking with other tongues, and subsequently by the manifestation of spiritual power in public testimony and service. By the manifestation of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Cor.12:8-10
That Jesus Christ is coming again to gather all His saints unto Himself. Those who have not accepted His redemptive work on their behalf will suffer separation from the Godhead eternally.
That following His return, Jesus Christ will rule and reign for one thousand years on earth. After this there will be a new heaven and a new earth where all believers will be with Him forever.