In July 2005, while Kim Weiler hosted a short term mission group to Nicaragua, God provided an opportunity to partner with a Christian Organization desperately trying to meet the educational needs in a very poor barrio of Managua, Nicaragua. They visited a school in the slums of Managua and discovered the school of 140 children was closing due to lack of funds. Fe Viva made a commitment to the school teachers and children. “We will keep the light shining and bring hope where there is no hope”.
Since then, a daily feeding and nutrition program has started, a new property with existing building has been purchased and there are over 300 students are attending classes.
The vision is to build two Children’s Homes and a Medical Clinic along with the school. On the newly purchased land, approximately 5 acres, the aim is to build a Bible School facility and Missions Compound, where short term mission groups can be housed while serving the community.